Dad, Son: Revolution

Dad, Son: Revolution@dadsonrevolution

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Dad, Son: Revolution
This is a detailed, in-depth discussion of the widely circulated "Ten ways to be prepared and grounded now that Trump has won." We go over the background, and then go through each point one by one, from a radical and generous perspective looking for useful tools in the days to come.

First of two. Recorded 6 weeks ago; it took a while to make the time to edit it!
Dad, Son: Revolution
So like and unlike 2016, today. In one way, because 2016 was the first fragment of politics that Raven remembers well. And because there's a kind of dread and exhaustion built into the outrage this time. Raven and I sit with the feelings, our own and others', and explore how to be, here, now.
The Day After
Ep. 02
The Day After
Dad, Son: Revolution
Our first podcast! Rough and ready, recorded, "edited", and released all while the ballots are rushing in, and the great uncertainty grows. Join us as we consider the stakes, and lay the groundwork for a creative, fierce, and caring journey in the coming days and weeks!
Election Day!
Ep. 01
Election Day!